I eat blueberries everyday, mostly on my cereal in the morning. Blueberries are mentioned on every “Super Foods” list because they have the phytochemical anthocyanadins, which are being studied for their beneficial effect on blood vessel health. (http://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/what-are-phytochemicals ), as well as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. (http://www.wildblueberries.com/ )
There are basically two main types of blueberries: the large cultivated and small wild. Maine and Canada are famous for their very small berries that have an intense flavor. Unless you live in Maine, you may not find them in the grocery store. Most major stores carry the larger blueberry grown mostly in other US states like Michigan (http://www.mbbac.org/ ) or North Carolina (http://northcarolinablueberries.com/ ).
I have found that the secret to making my store-bought blueberries sweeter and more flavorful is to keep two boxes on hand: one that I refrigerate for about a week to allow the fruit to ripen a bit more as the sugars concentrate, and the other that has already ripened and is ready for use on cereal, salads, or in pancakes.
If you still don’t like them au naturale, you can also puree them as fresh or frozen and add to smoothies or use as a sauce for pancakes or swirled into nonfat yogurt. If you must, add a teaspoon of honey to the sauce. Remember honey is sweeter than sugar, so you only need a dash.

Catherine Frederico, MS RDN LDN
Our Nutritional Expert

Many of the images used in our Picky Eater's section are from Veggie Garden Palooza! created by Catherine Frederico.