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Max On Snax featured in Green Living Magazine!

Max On Snax featured in Green Living Magazine!

by Alex Opechowski 10/31/11​

First published in Green Living Magazine, January Issue 2012

The biggest new name in children’s health belongs to the smallest of namesakes: Max, a little boy “just-this-side-of-five” who is bursting onto the scene with a message that couldn’t be timelier. He, the charmingly exuberant youngster at the center of the Max on Snax ® brand–which comprises animated interstitial episodes, recipe books, games, and kid-friendly kitchen paraphernalia, loves nothing more than to assemble healthy, tasty snacks for himself and his friends. In each of his animated shorts, Max performs a ditty, engages in some sort of physical activity, and whips up a nutritious treat in a manner easily followed by a preschool audience. “Counting Salad” (a zesty spin on the traditional fruit salad) and “Star Snax” (the sandwich elevated to astronomical heights by virtue of a shaped cookie-cutter) are among the recipes Max employs in his show. Safety always comes first for this self-professed assembly artist who shies away from the use of dangerous kitchen appliances and never fails to remind children to “get the ‘okay’” from “one of those big people” as well as to wash their hands.

Lori Osiecki, creator and founder of Merryweather Farms, the health-focused organization behind Max on Snax®, feels that Max holds a unique position in animated character lore, as one of the first children’s brands truly authentic to food. “Max’s imagination and his commitment to making ‘healthy’ synonymous with ‘fun’ situate him perfectly between the entertainment and health food markets,” says Osiecki. “He aims to educate three-to-five-year-olds, a demographic whose rate of obesity is skyrocketing.” In fact, 32 percent of US children and adolescents are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Undeterred by these alarming numbers, Max is making a splash in the world of nutrition, having just recently garnered widespread support from the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics at the Academy’s 21st Century Symposium in Boston earlier this October. The conference, addressing the critical issues of childhood obesity, also served to promote the release of the new Max on Snax® app, “Max’s Plate,” an innovative game and meal-tracker combo that includes multiple levels of game play and enables users to monitor their daily intake across the five food groups via its “My Plate” feature.

Following this success, the Max on Snax® brand intends to bolster awareness through its “One of Max’s Big People” campaign, wherein culinary superstars pledge their their support of Max and his mission. To date, Cat Cora, Betty Fraser, and Claud Mann have joined sports legend Brandi Chastain in donning the signature “One of Max’s Big People” shirts. “Reaching a wider audience is key,” Osiecki says. “The time for Max’s message is now, and I truly believe that he has the power to make a huge difference in the lives of preschool children.” And that’s just what this boisterous chef-in-the-making intends to do–make a difference, one snack at a time.

More info on Max can be found at his website,, and his two apps can be downloaded via the iTunes App Store.

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