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Max on Snax, a local company turning kids into healthy eaters

Written by: Nicole Cottrell on June 9th, 2015

What if a product existed that was a kid-focused, healthy, fun, and offered a unique way to encourage your young children to eat healthier? Oh, and what if it was designed by a local Arizona mom?

Wouldn’t you jump at the chance to get your hands on such a product?

Well, a few weeks ago I heard a friend mention Max on Snax. I couldn’t believe my ears. I had to know what this delightful product was all about. So I reached out to the Founder Lori Osiecki and had the opportunity to hear her story and what led to this must-have product.

Lori had been working at Hallmark as a card designer and during that time she saw a show about a little girl with a snack obsessed brother. This got her wheels turning and she began researching children and their snacking behaviors. This led to her being confronted with the reality of childhood obesity statistics, as well as overall health concerns for children. She asked herself “How was I going to creatively attack the issue?”

Enter Max on Snax, a fully animated short that stars Max--the delightful, polite, friendly, and creative “wannabe chef” who teaches other kids how to make delicious and healthy snacks.

Max uses his approachable (cartoon) nature to encourage kids to get in the kitchen, try out new recipes, eat never before eaten ingredients, and be an overall healthy kid. Max, of course, always suggest you get help from “big people,” too.

Listening to Lori and thinking of my own resistant eater, my son Tolan, I was encouraged and excited. Not to mention the excitement I felt upon hearing about a mom-preneur who identified a problem and created a solution.

Max currently airs in 176 countries via the American Forces Network. The company also recently launched a subscription box service, My Max Pack. My family has signed up! The boxes are created in conjunction with nutritionist Catherine Frederico and include crafts, charts, recipe card, sandwich shaper, stickers, a note for big people, iron-on patches, as well as an apron and snax hat in the first box.

The other great part? The recipes included in the pack require no cooking, since Max is a “wannabe chef.” This lets smaller and older children participate equally and adds recipes to their repertoires that they can feel independant creating (even with mom looking over their shoulder).

I asked Lori what she has seen as the most significant positive change she has witnessed from families who watch Max and receive My Max Packs: “Their child puts their apron every time they cook or eat . Some children only eat foods that Max eats.” Sounds like a positive change worth sharing.

To find out more, visit and be sure to “Like” them on Facebook and watch videos on YouTube.

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