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Max On Snax® highlighted in ​ HealthyChildren E-Magazine from the website

Max On Snax® highlighted in ​

HealthyChildren E-Magazine

from the website, the official American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Web site for parents, launched the inaugural issue of HealthyChildren e-magazine this month.​

The premier issue focuses on key back-to-school issues such as immunizations, school physicals, and the importance of breakfast. In addition to providing parents with reliable, pediatrician-backed guidance, the e-magazine provides readers with an interactive experience that includes multimedia content, engaging “quick tip” pop-ups as well as links to helpful resources.

This inaugural issue of HealthyChildren e-magazine was made possible through an independent grant from Merck. The free e-magazine is mobile-optimized and can be accessed via the HealthyChildren app for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. The HealthyChildren app includes select, on-the-go articles from as well as several of the site’s unique features such as Find a Pediatrician and Ask the Pediatrician, and will soon include a variety of apps for parents, beginning with ADHD Tracker and Car Seat Checker. Automatic updates to the app will keep parents informed of future e-magazine issues, new features, or newly developed apps. To access the e-magazine, download the HealthyChildren app on the iTunes and Google Play stores.

Download the issue here.


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